The center's work on state budget issues helps policy makers, advocates, the media, and the general public understand the effect that Texas' two-year budget will have on low- and moderate-income families.

Recent Budget Publications

Legislature's CHIP Policy Changes Have Already Reduced Children Covered by 49,000 (11/9/2003)

This CPPP Policy Page provides updated information on CHIP program changes and how they are reducing program enrollment.

State Budget 2004-005: Implications for Health Care and Vulnerable Texans (10/29/2003)

Presentation on health care cuts made in 2003.

There's Still Time for HHS Restorations (09/17/2003)

This Policy Page provides an update of the different sources of unspent money that could be used by state officials to undo some of the worst budget cuts in health and human services HHS) programs that are now taking effect. It also provides information on who to contact at the Capitol to voice your opposition to these budget cuts and to express support for HHS restorations.

How Does the New $167 Million Affect Medicaid and CHIP Cuts? (08/11/2003)

This brief update recaps the uses of the added funds, and the enormous cuts that remain. To supplement this brief update, CPPP is posting a revised spreadsheet modeling the county-level impact of Medicaid and CHIP cuts for 2004 and 2005, reflecting the impact of the additional $167 million GR.

Status Report: State Funds That Could Reduce the Impact of Medicaid Cuts in the State Budget (08/1/2003)

The Governor, Lt. Governor, and Comptroller have all in recent days identified about $800 million in state dollars that could be used to reduce the size of Medicaid cuts approved by the Legislature for the 2004-2005 budget. Read the essential facts.

Hundreds of Millions Available to Restore Health and Human Services Budget (07/14/2003)

Three pots of money are available to restore the health and human services budget. Pot 1 consists of federal state fiscal relief of over $372 million. Pot 2 consists of unspent general revenue from the regular session of about $99 million. Pot 3 consists of money from the special session, including almost $232 million from corrections to H.B. 3588 regarding the Texas Mobility Fund, and perhaps $99 million available from a court cost issue also in H.B. 3588.

Texas State Budget for 2004-05 and Implications for Latinos (07/12/2003)

Workshop presentation for the National Conference of La Raza on how the state budget affects Hispanic Texans.

HB 2292: Read It and Weep (07/1/2003)

HB 2292 was signed into law by the Governor on June 10, setting in motion extensive reorganization of state health and human service agencies and functions, as well as a lengthy list of health and human service policy changes which are too wide-ranging to be easily summarized. This Policy Page provides a general description of the bill that is now law.

Child Protective Services/Foster Care Budget Cuts for 2004-05 (06/6/2003)

This Policy Page describes cuts in child welfare programs administered by the Department of Protective and Regulatory Services, which will receive General Revenue funding of $484 million in the biennium that begins September 1st--down from $529 million in 2002-03, for an overall cut of 9 percent in GR funding.

State Health Care and TANF Budget Cuts for 2004-05 (05/30/2003)

As the 78th Regular Session draws to a close, House Bill 1--the state budget for 2004-05--is nearing the stages of final approval by the House and Senate. This Policy Page describes some of the major social services cuts contained in the budget, which will spend less General Revenue than the 2002-03 budget spent.

HHS Funding: Senate vs. House Proposals for 2004-05 (05/13/2003)

Many programs and services for the neediest Texans remain unfunded in the Senate Finance or House budget proposals, or in both. While the Senate Finance Committee has invested significant amounts in Health and Human Services above what was included in the House Budget, major program and client cuts remain.

What Is (And Isn't) in the House's State Budget Proposal for 2004-2005 (04/4/2003)

On Monday, April 14, the full House is expected to take up House Bill 1, the General Appropriations Act for fiscal 2004 and 2005. This Policy Page provides information about overall funding changes in the House's budget proposal, and specifics about the critical health and human services that remain unfunded.

What Texas Can't Buy with $54.1 Billion (03/10/2003)

The 2003 Legislature learned in mid-January that it should only expect $54.1 billion in General Revenue-related funds for 2004-05. If legislators are unwilling to create new revenue sources or tap the Rainy Day Fund, they will have to decide what "nonessential" items in the 2002-03 budget ($61.5 billion in General Revenue) will be slashed.

Testimony on HHSC Funding to Senate Finance Committee (02/27/2003)

Testimony to the Senate Finance Committee.

Testimony on HHSC Funding to House Appropriations Committee (02/21/2003)

Testimony to the Subcommittee on Health & Human Services, House Appropriations Committee.

Testimony on Dept. of Human Services Budget in 2004-05 Appropriations Bill (02/20/2003)

Testimony to the Subcommittee on Health & Human Services, House Appropriations Committee.

Budget Writers Need Public Input (02/17/2003)

The 2004-2005 budget requests of state agencies are now being heard by the House Appropriations subcommittees and the Senate Finance Committee. This brief Policy Page provides the meetings scheduled as of today; check the Texas Legislature's web site (http://www.capitol.state.tx.us/) for changes or other updates. CPPP staff contact information is also listed at the end of the Policy Page so you can find out what major programs are being funded at these HHS agencies.

Budget Gap Closer to $16 Billion (01/14/2003)

This brief Policy Page provides more information on the latest state budget developments and revises CPPP's estimate of a current services budget gap; you may also want to see Policy Page 177 for additional background information.

Tab for Current State Services to Rise by $6.9 Billion (01/10/2003)

This Policy Page provides more information on the preparation of the state budget and how you can make your concerns known to your state senator and representative.

Take a Balanced Approach to Balancing the Budget (01/1/2003)

Every balance sheet has two columns -- one for income and one for expenses. To balance a budget you have to look at both sides.

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