Many Texans are poor, not because they don't work, but because their work pays too little to raise a family out of poverty. To ensure economic prosperity, Texas public policy must support work, make work pay, and help families build their assets. The most important thing the state can do to enhance economic opportunity is to invest in public education—from early childhood education all the way through higher education.

View Recent Economic Opportunity Publications >>

Related Subcategories:
Work Supports/Child Care
Labor Market/Wages/UI
Asset Building


The center focuses on health care access, immigrants' access to services, food and nutrition, the state's eligibility and enrollment system, and TANF.

View Recent Public Benefits Publications >>

Related Subcategories:
Health Care Access
Immigrants' Access to Services
Eligibility/Enrollment Delivery


The center is deeply committed to safeguarding Texas' six million children from abuse or neglect.

View Recent Child Protection Publications >>


The center's work on state budget issues helps policy makers, advocates, the media, and the general public understand the effect that Texas' two-year budget will have on low- and moderate-income families.

View Recent Budget Publications >>


Improving the adequacy and fairness of our state and local tax system is a cornerstone of the center's mission. Here you will find our analyses of tax proposals.

View Recent Taxes Publications >>


The center works to identify and define the issues facing Texas' large low-income population. Whether it's documenting the actual amount of money it takes to support families' basic needs in every metropolitan area in Texas, or chronicling the real compromises working families make in order to survive, the center provides the data and the stories behind low- and moderate-income Texans.

View Recent Family Economic Security Publications >>


Read more about the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, also known as the federal stimulus, and how it impacted Texas.

View Recent ARRA Publications >>


The Center for Public Policy Priorities is the Texas home to KIDS COUNT, a national and state-by-state effort to track the status of children in the U.S. funded by the Annie E. Casey Foundation. In addition to publishing annual reports, the center also offers access to an interactive, comprehensive database of county-by-county and state data on child well-being.

View Recent KIDS COUNT Publications >>
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Policy on Links: Occasionally we provide links to other web sites. We do not, however, endorse these sites or incorporate them into our own. Links are provided solely as a useful reference.