The Center for Public Policy Priorities is the Texas home to KIDS COUNT, a national and state-by-state effort to track the status of children in the U.S. funded by the Annie E. Casey Foundation. In addition to publishing annual reports, the center also offers access to an interactive, comprehensive database of county-by-county and state data on child well-being.

Recent KIDS COUNT Publications

Measuring Up: Student Assessment and Performance (11/13/1998)

There are many environmental and social factors that can affect how well students perform in school. This 1998 report focuses on the standards and tests schools used to measure student and school performance, most notably the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAAS) test.

Measuring Up: School Finance (10/22/1998)

Texas has one of the largest and fastest growing school-age populations in the nation. The cost of educating large numbers of students, particularly students with special needs, is increasing dramatically. This 1998 report provides a general overview and background to public school financing in Texas, and how Texas funding compares to other states in the country.

Overview of Texas Education (09/7/1998)

This is the first in a series of reports about public education in Texas. The Overview of Texas Education explores issues in education of Texas children with an emphasis on low-income and disadvantaged children in public schools. This introductory report summarizes many of the challenges faced by students in Texas, as well as challenges faced by the schools they attend.

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