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Of Note

Save the Date: 2012 Legacy Luncheon Reserve your seat for the Eleventh Annual Legacy Luncheon honoring Ben Barnes.
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Better Texas Film The Better Texas film. Together we can make our state a better place for all of us. A place of opportunity and prosperity. Because we all do better when we all do better.
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How Is Your County Affected by the Budget? CPPP has county-by-county consequences of the 2012-13 state budget for major essential services, such as health and human services, public education, and higher education.
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OpportunityTexas The Center for Public Policy Priorities (CPPP) and RAISE have launched a joint initiative, OpportunityTexasTM, an effort to help individuals and families save for the future and increase college access and success.
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Former Lt. Governor Hobby and CPPP's McCown's Letter to Business Leaders Former Lt. Governor William P. Hobby and CPPP Executive Director F. Scott McCown urge business leaders to help address a challenge facing Texas that imperils our economic recovery and future prosperity—how to cope with a devastating state revenue shortfall.
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Texas Voice for Health Reform

Texas Voice for Health Reform logoTexas Voice for Health Reform aims to inform and mobilize all Texans on the national debate on health care reform. This is an important moment in U.S. policy-making with a new administration that has already pledged its commitment to solving the health care crisis that America faces. As a resource and a catalyst for this work, TVHR will help Texans to engage in calling for sound proposals to solve our nation’s health care coverage crisis. We are committed to producing and disseminating timely, credible, accessible policy analysis about the coverage crisis and proposed solutions, engaging the media, and building alliances with stakeholder groups to support the activation of their grassroots.

Support for Texas Voice for Health Reform was provided by a grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation's Consumer Voices for Coverage program with support from Community Catalyst.

Census 2010

Census logoCPPP believes in the power and value of data for advancing positive change for Texas and, to that end, has become an official 2010 Census partner. The goal of the Census Bureau's partnership program is to combine the strengths of local governments, community-based organizations, faith-based organizations, schools, media, businesses and others, to ensure a complete and accurate 2010 Census. CPPP will work with the Census Bureau to help increase participation by hard-to-reach households, such as those with young children, the elderly, or non-English speakers. Accurate Census data ensures Texas gets its fair share of federal funds, helps local decision-makers plan for the future, and assures we get adequate representation an appropriate voice in Congress based on our population size and demographics. To learn more or how your organization can become a partner, see our Census 2010 page.

First Focus

First Focus logoThe center is pleased to work with First Focus, a national bipartisan organization committed to making children and families a priority in federal policy and budget decisions. The center is one of the state-based organizations working with First Focus to advance the following policy priorities:

  • Meeting children’s needs through health care reform;
  • Increasing federal investment in children; and
  • Improving early childhood education.

For more information, go to the First Focus website.

Texas Finish Line Campaign

The Center for Public Policy Priorities, together with the Children’s Defense Fund of Texas, Texans Care For Children, and a collaboration of business, community, faith, and health care leaders from across Texas, are partners of the Texas Finish Line Campaign. The goal of the campaign is to ensure that every Texas child has affordable, comprehensive health insurance. For more information about the campaign, visit

Working Poor Families Project

Since 2002, CPPP has been the Texas partner of the Working Poor Families Project (WPFP). WPFP is a national initiative focused on state workforce development policies involving education and skills training for adults, economic development, and income and work supports. Using a data-driven approach, WPFP works with state nonprofit organizations to strengthen economic conditions and state policies affecting working families. You can learn more about the Working Poor Families Project at


Family Asset Building Project

The Center for Public Policy Priorities has launched its Family Asset Building Project, an effort to help low-and moderate-income families build financial security through assets, savings, and financial literacy.


Texas Fragile Families

The Texas Fragile Families Initiative (TFF) is an innovative state-wide demonstration project designed to facilitate the development of community-based services for young, low-income fathers as they support the emotional, physical, and financial needs of their children. TFF concluded its eleven-site statewide demonstration project in June 2004. This website provides information gathered during the three-year initiative, including the TFF Final Evaluation report and other resources related to best practices for work with fragile families and responsible fathers. TFF was developed through the partnership of the Hogg Foundation for Mental Health and the Center for Public Policy Priorities.

To read more about TFF, please visit