Publications in this series include:
- "The Earned Income Tax Credit, the Child Tax Credit, And the Child and Dependent Care Credit"
- Detailed Workforce Development Board EITC Breakdowns
- Testimony on Regulating Refund Anticipation Loans
- IDA Testimony
- Fact sheet on Individual Development Accounts
- "How Resources are Treated in Federal Public Benefit Programs in Texas"
- Presentation: How the EITC Refund Affects Eligibility for Public Benefits
- Description of Family Asset Building Project
- Building Wealth for Individuals, Families, and Communities: Success Stories Across Texas
- EITC Data by Congressional District
To access all of CPPP's work on asset building, click here.
Find EITC data for your workforce development board or county here:
The Family Asset Building Project was made possible in part by the generous support of the Annie E. Casey Foundation. Its goals include:
- Building support for state policies and practices that encourage working families to save for the future;
- Leveraging federal funds to support asset building initiatives for working families; Technical assistance to volunteer tax assistance sites on the interaction between the EITC/Child Tax Credit and public benefits; and
- Developing an asset building campaign in partnership with low-wage employers to increase the assets and financial literacy of their employees.