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Of Note

Save the Date: 2012 Legacy Luncheon Reserve your seat for the Eleventh Annual Legacy Luncheon honoring Ben Barnes.
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Better Texas Film The Better Texas film. Together we can make our state a better place for all of us. A place of opportunity and prosperity. Because we all do better when we all do better.
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How Is Your County Affected by the Budget? CPPP has county-by-county consequences of the 2012-13 state budget for major essential services, such as health and human services, public education, and higher education.
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OpportunityTexas The Center for Public Policy Priorities (CPPP) and RAISE have launched a joint initiative, OpportunityTexasTM, an effort to help individuals and families save for the future and increase college access and success.
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Former Lt. Governor Hobby and CPPP's McCown's Letter to Business Leaders Former Lt. Governor William P. Hobby and CPPP Executive Director F. Scott McCown urge business leaders to help address a challenge facing Texas that imperils our economic recovery and future prosperity—how to cope with a devastating state revenue shortfall.
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Publications in this series include:
To access all of CPPP's work on asset building, click here.

Find EITC data for your workforce development board or county here:

Alamo Brazos Valley Cameron County
Capital Area Central Texas Coastal Bend
Concho Valley Dallas Deep East Texas
East Texas Golden Crescent Gulf Coast
Heart of Texas Lower Rio Grande Middle Rio Grande
North Central North East North Texas
Panhandle Permian Basin Rural Capital
South East South Plains South Texas
Tarrant Texoma Upper Rio Grande
West Central

The Family Asset Building Project was made possible in part by the generous support of the Annie E. Casey Foundation. Its goals include:
  • Building support for state policies and practices that encourage working families to save for the future;
  • Leveraging federal funds to support asset building initiatives for working families; Technical assistance to volunteer tax assistance sites on the interaction between the EITC/Child Tax Credit and public benefits; and
  • Developing an asset building campaign in partnership with low-wage employers to increase the assets and financial literacy of their employees.