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Of Note

Save the Date: 2012 Legacy Luncheon Reserve your seat for the Eleventh Annual Legacy Luncheon honoring Ben Barnes.
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Better Texas Film The Better Texas film. Together we can make our state a better place for all of us. A place of opportunity and prosperity. Because we all do better when we all do better.
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How Is Your County Affected by the Budget? CPPP has county-by-county consequences of the 2012-13 state budget for major essential services, such as health and human services, public education, and higher education.
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OpportunityTexas The Center for Public Policy Priorities (CPPP) and RAISE have launched a joint initiative, OpportunityTexasTM, an effort to help individuals and families save for the future and increase college access and success.
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Former Lt. Governor Hobby and CPPP's McCown's Letter to Business Leaders Former Lt. Governor William P. Hobby and CPPP Executive Director F. Scott McCown urge business leaders to help address a challenge facing Texas that imperils our economic recovery and future prosperity—how to cope with a devastating state revenue shortfall.
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