New Report: Statewide, Some Areas of Maternal & Child Health Improving

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Lynsey Kluever /(512) 320-0222 x 112
Frances Deviney /(512) 320-0222 x 106

November 19, 2007

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According to the newly released State of Texas Children 2007, statewide, more women are receiving prenatal care and teen births are continuing to decline, while babies born at low birthweight and infant mortality rates are worsening. The report, released by the Austin-based Center for Public Policy Priorities (CPPP), provides the latest look at the well-being of children in Texas and for every county in the state. “The report finds that when it comes to maternal and child health, Texas has much to be thankful for,” said Frances Deviney, Texas KIDS COUNT Director. “At the same time, work remains in other areas. Statewide, low birthweight and infant mortality rates have increased, child poverty is up for the fifth straight year, unemployment has increased, and Texas continues to have the highest rates of uninsured children in the nation.”