While focused on state policy, the center is affiliated with several national groups.
State Fiscal Analysis Initiative
CPPP is a member of the State Fiscal Analysis Initiative (SFAI) . SFAI is composed of nationwide nonpartisan, nonprofit organizations that work to broaden the debate on budget and tax policy through public education and civic engagement. The SFAI network is coordinated by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, a Washington-based research organization and strategic policy institute that works on a range of federal and state issues. Dick Lavine and Eva Deluna Castro are the center’s SFAI Team.
Economic Analysis Research Network
CPPP is a member of the Economic Analysis Research Network (EARN). EARN is a network of state and regional multi-issue research, policy, and advocacy organizations committed to improving the lives of Americans through state and local policy and changing the nature of the national policy debate on a state-by-state basis. EARN is coordinated by the Economic Policy Institute, a Washington-based nonprofit, nonpartisan think tank that seeks to broaden the public debate about strategies to achieve a prosperous and fair economy. Don Baylor is the center’s EARN Director.
CPPP is the Texas partner of KIDS COUNT, a national and state-by-state effort to track the status of children in the U.S. which is funded by the Annie E. Casey Foundation. By providing policymakers and citizens with benchmarks of child well-being, KIDS COUNT seeks to enrich local, state, and national discussions concerning ways to secure better futures for all children. Frances Deviney, Ph.D. is the Texas KIDS COUNT Director.
United for a Fair Economy
CPPP is a member of the Tax Fairness Organizing Collaborative, a project of United for a Fair Economy. UFE is a national, independent, nonpartisan, 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to raising awareness that concentrated wealth and power undermine the economy, corrupt democracy, deepen the racial divide, and tear communities apart. The Tax Fairness Organizing Collaborative is a network of statewide organizations working at the grassroots level for fair and adequate taxation. Lesley Ramsey is involved in the center's efforts with the collaborative.
Working Poor Families Project
The CPPP is the Texas partner of the Working Poor Families Project (WPFP). WPFP is a national initiative focused on state workforce development policies involving education and skills training for adults, economic development, and income and work supports. Using a data-driven approach, WPFP works with state nonprofit organizations to strengthen economic conditions and state policies affecting working families. Don Baylor is the center’s WPFP director.