Common-sense Principles for Immigration Reform
Celia Cole /(512) 320-0222 x110
April 29, 2010
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As Arizona’s controversial new immigration law makes clear, Americans are frustrated about immigration. While we share Arizona’s frustration, we strongly reject its approach. Congress must act to reform our immigration system—it is critical to our national security, our economy, and who we are as a nation. As the President has said, "failure to act responsibly at the federal level will only open the door to irresponsibility by others."
To promote responsible action, we propose a common-sense approach. Our approach is similar to that of a broad-based coalition of Texas employers that have joined together as Texas Employers for Immigration Reform (TEIR). This convergence of views says something important: The divide on immigration is not between business and workers or conservatives and progressives; it is between the informed and the uninformed. If our nation follows common-sense principles, we can reform our immigration system in a way that that protects our national security, strengthens our economy, enhances labor standards for all workers, and honors American traditions and constitutional principles.