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CPPP Thanks Texas Members of Congress for "Yes" Votes for HR 3962, the Affordable Health Care for America Act

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Anne Dunkelberg /(512) 320-0222 x 102
Scott McCown /(512) 320-0222 x 109

November 17, 2009

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On November 17, CPPP sent a thank-you letter to the members of the Texas congressional delegation who voted to approve HR 3962, the Affordable Health Care for America Act. Their votes were a historic step toward making real health reform a reality for our country.

Below is the text of the letter.

Dear Member of Congress:

We applaud your leadership in voting to approve HR 3962, the Affordable Health Care for America Act. You have taken an historic step toward making real health reform a reality for our country.

Access to good affordable health care for all Texans has been the center’s top priority since our founding in 1985. We have worked hard, through the Texas Voice for Health Reform Project, to explain the importance to Texans of health reform that ensures affordable, quality health coverage for Texans of all incomes while improving quality and controlling costs.

Because Texas ranks highest in the percentage of uninsured, Texas stands to gain the most from the national health care reform. The CBO projects that 94 percent of non-elderly Americans will gain coverage by 2015 under this bill’s provisions, potentially covering 4.7 million of Texas’ current 6.1 million uninsured. Estimates are that for every $1.00 in state funds Texas spends on Medicaid expansion under reform, the federal government will provide a $10.00 match—and with the addition of federal assistance with premiums and out-of-pocket costs that require no state match, health reform will bring billions of additional federal dollars into the Texas economy.

We know that the scope of this landmark legislation has demanded an enormous amount of hard work from you and your staff in assessing the best way to meet the needs of your constituents. Most important, we recognize the political leadership you have taken in championing real health reform. We thank you.

While the bills being debated in Congress are not perfect, they will cover most of our uninsured, increase security and stability of coverage for those now insured, and help us get health care costs under control. As the debate moves forward, we will work hard to keep Texans updated on your work with the best information and analysis at www.texasvoiceforhealthreform.org. If we can help you or your staff understand how any issue affects Texas, please do not hesitate to contact us.


F. Scott McCown
Executive Director

Anne Dunkelberg
Associate Director