CSHB 2962 by Coleman: CHIP Buy-In and Eligibility System Performance

Anne Dunkelberg /(512) 320-0222 x 102
May 13, 2009
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The Texas House’s CHIP Buy-In bill, CSHB 2962 by Coleman, will be voted on by the full House on Thursday, May 14. CSHB 2962 would create a new kind of CHIP coverage for uninsured children with working parents earning between 200-300 percent of the federal poverty level. These families would be able to buy discounted CHIP coverage for their children, paying a “sliding” monthly premium that increases with income. While provisions for a monthly-premium CHIP program for children from 200-300 percent FPL are virtually identical to the Senate’s bill, the House bill includes a limited Full-Cost Buy-In program from 300-400 percent FPL for children who would otherwise lose Medicaid or CHIP due to family income. This compromise addresses technical state agency concerns and may be acceptable in the Senate. This Policy Alert describes differences between SB 841 and CSHB 2962, and provides additional background information on the need for this kind of coverage for uninsured Texas children.