Where Did All the Money Go? Tax Cuts, Abatements and Subsidies

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Dick Lavine /(512) 320-0222 x 101

May 11, 2009

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Public structures—including public education, child health services, and transportation infrastructure—help maintain Texans' quality of life, and they require adequate revenue to function properly. To provide adequate revenue, our state needs a balanced tax code without tax cuts, abatements, and subsidies that let some dodge their share of responsibility. Reducing taxes paid by some businesses means that other businesses or families have to make up the difference to help us take care of our public structures so they continue to take care of us. Investments in Texas’ future through education, health and human services, and transportation will lead to a better chance for more prosperous future for all of us than would so-called “economic development incentives” that lower taxes on a select few companies. This Policy Page concludes with two bills that would increase state revenue by eliminating certain special treatments.