The Texas Recovery Plan

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March 25, 2009

The Texas Recovery Plan >>  
ARRA Combined Impact by Texas County >>  
Economic Impact of Increased Food Stamps Benefits and Participation by County >>  
Unemployment Insurance Modernization Economic Impact by County >>  
County Impacts from Spending ARRA Medicaid Funds >>  
Press Release >>  

Public structures such as Medicaid, Food Stamps, and Unemployment Insurance were created to help families in tough economic times and to help the economy recover from a down cycle. These are indeed tough times—we face the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. Tragically, many Texans are becoming aware for the first time of the crumbling nature of many of our public structures, weakened by years of neglect when times were good. Now that times are tough, we find our systems unprepared. Fortunately, though, the new federal economic recovery law makes resources available to help repair and improve these systems, which will in turn energize economic activity and get Texas on the road to recovery.

But, Texas will only get the federal funds—and the needed improvements to our public structures—if state policymakers make the right choices, soon.