High Risk Pool Discount Program (SB 879/ HB 2064): Testimony to the House Insurance and Senate State Affairs Committees

Stacey Pogue /(512) 320-0222 x 117
March 18, 2009
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The Texas Health Insurance Risk Pool (risk pool) was created by the Legislature to provide health insurance to eligible Texas residents who, due to medical conditions, are unable to obtain health insurance. Because Texas state law allows health insurers to deny coverage to people with preexisting conditions in the individual market, many Texans with medical conditions can only get coverage through the risk pool. Risk pool coverage provides a lifeline to some, but the high cost of risk pool coverage places it out of reach for most Texans. SB 879 and HB 2064 create a sliding scale discount program in the risk pool that will help more low- and moderate-income Texans afford coverage.