Newly Passed Farm Bill will Help 890,000 More Texans

Celia Cole /(512) 320-0222 x110
Lynsey Kluever /(512) 320-0222 x 112
May 30, 2008
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With rising gas and food prices, families need help putting food on the table now more than ever. Nationally, the cost of groceries is up dramatically, especially staples like eggs (up 25% in the last year), milk (up 17%), cheese (up 15%), bread (up 12%), and rice (up 13%). Earlier this month, Congress passed the Farm Bill, expanding the Food Stamps, Emergency Food Assistance, School Meals, and Fresh Fruit and Vegetable programs. This bill will help low-income Americans during these harder times. Thanks to the Farm Bill, Texas will receive $674 million in new money for nutrition assistance over the next nine years, according to the national Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. Not only that, but nearly 900,000 more Texans will receive additional Food Stamp benefits in 2012.