Statement by F. Scott McCown on the HB 1 2008-09 Budget Conference Committee Report with County Impact Data

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Scott McCown /(512) 320-0222 x 109

May 25, 2007

State Expenditures by County >>  
County-Level CHIP/Medicaid Data >>  
County-Level CPS and Foster Care Data >>  
County-Level Elementary and Secondary Education Data >>  
County-Level Higher Education Data >>  
County-Level Prison Data >>  
Statement by Scott McCown >>  

"While the budget will spend almost 95% of General Revenue on education, health care, and corrections, too much has been set aside for tax cuts that mostly benefit upper-income families. As a result, many important needs will go unmet, while our tax system grows more unfair. The budget will keep Texas at the bottom in what we invest in our children and how we care for our most vulnerable." Here CPPP has prepared county-level information to illustrate the current and potential impact of state government spending in local communities. More detailed analyses of program-level impacts will be made available as soon as possible.