Texas Trilogy on Public Education and Taxes

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Dick Lavine /(512) 320-0222 x 101
Scott McCown /(512) 320-0222 x 109

January 4, 2006

The Public Education Challenge >>  
The Best Choice for a Prosperous Texas: A Texas-Style Personal Income Tax >>  
How to Reduce Property Taxes >>  

We have prepared a trilogy of policy briefs to help inform the state’s important debate this spring about public education and tax reform. In our first brief, we explain the state’s need to increase its investment in public education. In our second, we explain how a Texas-style personal income tax is the best way both to adequately support public education and to reduce reliance on the property tax. In that piece, we outline why a new business tax by itself would not raise enough money to significantly cut property taxes and why a higher sales tax would be a move in the wrong direction. In our third brief, we explain alternative ways to reduce property taxes, targeting reductions to those who need them the most.