Call to Action: Tell Congress to Oppose Cuts to the Food Stamp Program

Celia Cole /(512) 320-0222 x110
July 19, 2005
Call to Action: Tell Congress to Oppose Cuts to the Food Stamp Program >>

Food Stamp Participation in Texas >>

Food Stamps by Food Bank >>

Food Stamps by County >>

Food Stamps by Border Counties >>

Congress is considering making $3 billion in cuts to the Food Stamp Program and other federal food programs over the next five years. These cuts would be achieved through policy changes that would restrict access to Food Stamps, either across the board or for certain populations, such as immigrants or working families. The Agriculture Committees in charge of the food programs are expected to make recommendations to Congress for achieving these cuts by September 16, 2005. Sign onto a national letter circulating in opposition to the proposed Food Stamp cuts and to get Food Stamp enrollment and benefits data for your area. Deadline to sign on is Friday, July 22, 2005.