Call Now to Expand Health Care for Uninsured Women

Anne Dunkelberg /(512) 320-0222 x 102
May 16, 2005
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On Tuesday, May 17, the House Committee on Public Health will hear testimony on SB 747 by Senator John Carona, “Relating to establishing a demonstration project for women's health care services,” also known as a Medicaid Women’s Health and Family Planning “waiver.” This is a rare opportunity to support a program expansion that could provide basic medical check-ups and birth control services to uninsured adult Texas women up to 185% of the poverty line (that’s $2,481 per month pre-tax income for a family of 3 in 2005). Best of all, this program will actually save Texas money right away. The federal government will pay 90 cents on every dollar of family planning care, and Texas Medicaid will save a projected $135 million in 2006 and 2007 because of fewer pregnancies covered by Medicaid.