Statement: New Report Shows Texas Falls Short in Summer Meal Programs

June 8, 2012
The Food Research and Action Center (FRAC) released a national analysis today that shows Texas’ participation in the Summer Food Programs remains low. Only 9.4 percent of low-income kids received summer meals on an average day in July 2011, according to the Hunger Doesn’t Take a Vacation report. Texas’ poor performance, which is lower than the national average of 1 in 7, means missed meals for children and missed dollars for the state. Texas families can find nearby summer meal sites and more information by calling 2-1-1 or through the Texas Department of Agriculture’s website.
Read the full FRAC report
About the report:
The Food Research and Action Center (FRAC) is a national anti-hunger advocacy and research group. The FRAC report, Hunger Doesn’t Take A Vacation, gives data for all states and looks at national trends. FRAC measures national summer participation during the month of July, when typically all children are out of school throughout the month and lose access to school meals. The report is available online at