Threats to Health Care: Attacks on Medicaid, Medicare, CHIP, and Health Reform in Austin and Washington

Anne Dunkelberg /(512) 320-0222 x 102
June 30, 2011
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Over 4 million Texans—3 million children and 1 million seniors, adults with disabilities, expectant mothers, and very poor parents—rely on Medicaid or CHIP for the critical health care and community supports they need.
Now, Medicaid and CHIP are targeted for extreme cuts in Austin and Washington.
In the final installment of a five-part primer series on health care, we look at the threats to health care and how that affects the most vulnerable Texans.
Five-part primer series:
Part One: What Is a Health Insurance Exchange?
Part Two: Current Budgets Would Place Texas Medicaid and CHIP in Critical ConditionPart Three: Designing a Health Insurance Exchange: The Right Choices for Texas