Budget Bills Short on Health Care for Texans

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Anne Dunkelberg /(512) 320-0222 x 102

May 12, 2011

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The Texas House and Senate have adopted two different budget bills, and a conference committee has begun to work out a compromise budget.

Both chambers provide less money for Texas health and human services than was budgeted in 2010-2011. But the Senate’s version of the budget provides substantially more money for health care and social services than the House version.

In part four in a five-part primer series on health care, we take a look at what the budget bills mean for Texans' health care, and how Texas can do better.

Five-part primer series:

Part One: What Is a Health Insurance Exchange?

Part Two: Current Budgets Would Place Texas Medicaid and CHIP in Critical Condition

Part Three: Designing a Health Insurance Exchange: The Right Choices for Texas

Part Five: Threats to Health Care: Attacks on Medicaid, Medicare, CHIP, and Health Reform and Austin and Washington