CPPP Statement on Lt. Governor Dewhurst and Senate Finance Committee's Proposed State Budget

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Scott McCown /(512) 320-0222 x 109

April 27, 2011

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(AUSTIN, Texas)─Center for Public Policy Priorities Executive Director F. Scott McCown released the following statement today in response to comments made yesterday by Lt. Governor Dewhurst on the use of the Rainy Day Fund by the Senate Finance Committee in its version of the state budget for 2012-13.

“One week ago today we applauded Lt. Governor Dewhurst and the Senate Finance Committee for their valiant attempt to write the best state budget possible given the Great Recession and the political climate. Yesterday in comments to the press, however, the Lt. Governor disavowed the committee budget saying he “disagreed” with the committee’s use of the Rainy Day Fund.

“Unfortunately there is no path to an acceptable budget that does not use billions more from the Rainy Day Fund. In light of Lt. Governor Dewhurst’s position, we turn from applause to jeers. We urge every Senator to vote no to bring the budget up for debate. If the budget comes up for debate, we urge every Senator to vote no. There is no reason to support a budget that the Lt. Governor won’t help defend in conference.

“Unless the Lt. Governor and the Speaker make a decision to stand up to the Governor and to the far right, we see no good outcome to our state’s budget struggle.

“We urge Texans to call upon Lt. Governor David Dewhurst and Speaker Joe Straus to disavow the know-nothings trying to wreck Texas and to provide the leadership Texas needs to cope with the aftermath of the Great Recession.”