Testimony: House Bill 13 Strips Medicaid Protections from Most Vulnerable Texans

Anne Dunkelberg /(512) 320-0222 x 102
April 14, 2011
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House Bill 13 by House Public Health Committee Chairman Lois Kolkhorst would direct The Texas Health and Human Services Commissioner to seek a “waiver” of federal law to dramatically restructure the Texas Medicaid program. In laying out the Committee Substitute for her bill, Chairman Kolkhorst identified a recent Rhode Island “1115 waiver” as a model for what Texas might seek. CPPP testified in opposition to the bill. Our testimony details our objection to overly broad terms of the bill that do not give any guarantee of protections for current beneficiaries, covered populations and services. We detail a list of specific provisions which would prevent the concept from being workable in Texas without substantial additional changes to Texas law and protections for Medicaid’s vulnerable population of children, seniors, Texans with disabilities, and expectant mothers.