HB 643 Will Help Kids Eat Right During the Summer

Celia Cole /(512) 320-0222 x110
April 7, 2011
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House Bill (HB) 643 would ensure more children in low-income neighborhoods have access to nutritious meals during the summer. This legislation by State Representative Eddie Rodriguez would increase the number of school districts subject to a state law requiring districts in low-income communities to operate the program. The Summer Food Program provides over $52 million in federal funds each year to low-income communities in Texas to help serve nutritious meals to children in safe, enriching environments. The Summer Food Program is critical in a state like Texas, where too many children are in poor nutritional health.
Texas has one of the largest School Lunch Programs in the nation, serving meals to over 2.8 million low-income children every day. The Summer Food Program is intended to serve the same population, yet it reaches only a fraction of the low-income children who eat lunch during the school year. The primary barrier is a lack of sponsors.