Updated Medicaid Spending Losses by County Under CSHB 1

Anne Dunkelberg /(512) 320-0222 x 102
April 7, 2011
County Medicaid Cuts House Budget >>

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Medicaid funding in the House’s budget falls $5.8 billion in general revenue (GR) below what is needed to maintain the program benefits and populations (state dollars; $13.7 billion all funds). This is after the House added $1.8 billion in GR ($4.3 billion all funds).This is still six times the size of the painful cuts to Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) made by the Legislature in 2003.
This updates the county impact estimates of original filed version of HB 1 that we posted March 10, 2011, to reflect the additional funding adopted by the House. Click here for the earlier estimates.
For an explanation of the cuts, see Medicaid and the State Budget: Mortal Injury?