Statement on House's Proposed State Budget: Refusing to Use the Rainy Day Fund for 2012-13 Is Unconscionable

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Scott McCown /(512) 320-0222 x 109

April 3, 2011

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Executive Director F. Scott McCown made the following statement in response to the House passing House Bill 1, its proposed state budget for 2012-13.

“The House chose a cuts-only approach to our state’s $27 billion revenue crisis when Texans want a balanced approach that protects our priorities, including protecting today’s jobs and preparing our children for tomorrow’s jobs.

“Because the House budget reduces state spending so deeply, by 2013 Texas will have 335,000 fewer jobs (close to half in the private sector) and $17.2 billion less personal income, according to the Legislative Budget Board. The House budget also makes damaging cuts to public education, higher education, and critical health and human services such as nursing homes."