CPPP Urges Rejection of House Bill (HB) 1 and Support for HB 4 and HB 275

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Scott McCown /(512) 320-0222 x 109

March 24, 2011

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Executive Director F. Scott McCown made a statement in response to the House Appropriations Committee recommendation of House Bill (HB) 1, the proposed state budget for 2012-13; HB 4, which would revise the state budget for 2011; and HB 275, which would appropriate $3.2 billion from the Rainy Day Fund to fund 2011 appropriations.

“The Texas House of Representatives should reject HB 1. Testimony before the Appropriations Committee establishes the damage the proposed budget for 2012-13 would do to Texans seeking an education and to children, the elderly, and those with disabilities who rely upon health and human services. Now we also have an analysis from the Legislative Budget Board (LBB) that establishes the damage the proposed budget would do to our economy."