Governor’s State of the State Unrealistic; We Need a Balanced Approach to Meeting the Needs of Texas

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Scott McCown /(512) 320-0222 x 109

February 8, 2011

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Center for Public Policy Priorities Executive Director F. Scott McCown gave the following statement in response to the Governor’s State of the State address today to a joint session of the House and Senate.

“When the Governor signed the current budget into law, after using his line-item veto to cut everything he considered unnecessary, the Governor assured Texans we had a lean budget that targeted our priorities, saying: ‘We worked collectively throughout the session to ensure our state’s priorities were met while remembering that every dollar spent is that of a hard-working Texan.’

“Now we are $27 billion short of being able to fund these very same priorities at the same lean level over the next two years. With a revenue shortfall this large, the Governor needs to be realistic and the Legislature needs to take a balanced approach that includes using all the Rainy Day Fund and adding new revenue."